Hi nana its been a very few hard years as you would know by looking down on us but as you may know my life is starting to change as im becoming a total different woman im going to have my own little sprog lol im scared and excited and i wish you were here to share all that beautiful memory's with your beloved family i hope you haven't been disappointed in how i havent made some stupid decision over the years god took you far to early s
But they do say he only takes the best rest in paradise gorgeous forever ane always in my heart 😢💞
1st April 2020
Thank you Charlotte for doing this chuck she will be proud of you we miss her like crazy one in a million this woman xx
1st April 2020
We hope that you find this tribute to Dulcie a place of comfort, support and inspiration for you to visit whenever you want or need to.
Sent by MuchLoved on 01/04/2020